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Thursday 3 April 2014

Hola Melancholia

Hello, glimmering readers.

Well Fan My Brow is four! Yep, my wee blog has hit the big, erm, 4 which means she can now brush her own teeth, tie her own shoelaces and plait her own hair. Unfortunately, she still has trouble writing her own name but is shaping up to be a real whizz at algebra, trig and long division.

To celebrate this momentous occasion, I hot-footed it back to WFMB HQ to throw a tremendous party, inviting all other young blogs in town to attend. You think those kids in hats over there are having fun? Pah! What a knees-up we had. Well, myself and Norv upped our knees. The blogs just sort of sat there, knee-less.

Below is a timeline of the day's events:

Birthday blog doesn't want a party and locks herself in bathroom.
Norv tries to break bathroom door down.
I break bathroom door down. Effortlessly.
Norv insists I broke door down only because he had already 'softened' it for me.
Norv and I squabble about who is the better door breaker.
The birthday blog has gone AWOL.
Birthday blog located hiding in tumble dryer.
Norv and I crack open gin.
I awake from gin stupor.
Head downstairs to find three little blogs and Norv watching The Voice on iPlayer.
The three little blogs go home.
Birthday blog put to bed.
Norv and I open another bottle.
Hola melancholia!

If you have been inspired by the WFMB bash and are thinking of throwing one for your own little Ms/Mr blog, do let me know how it fares.

Please get in touch also if you need anyone to sup up any surplus gin.
Small print: I charge by the hour, cannot be held responsible for my actions, and may break your bathroom door down. But I will bring my own tumbler :)

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